Welcome to the New Year. As you know, with each New Year new insurance deductibles apply. It is one of the more frustrating parts of medicine that with the arrival of each New Year, the application of deductibles replaces a significant amount of our insurance payments. At this time of year, our cash flow is overly dependent on the collection of these deductibles. As a practice, we utilize the best available online systems to determine our patient's individual obligations. Unfortunately, this information is often incomplete. It is the patient's responsibility to understand and honor this aspect of your insurance coverage. Your deductible is due at the time of service. If your insurance does not have a deductible, please be patient with our staff should they mistakenly ask you for a payment towards a deductible.
****Medicare Deductible for 2012 is $140. Please be aware that many secondary insurance policies now have deductibles and/or do not pick up the Medicare deductible.